2017 Bucket List

Hey guys!

Happy New Year!! It feels so weird that Its 2017! I feel like 2012 was yesterday! Anyway how are you all doing? Have a good break from school/work? I have been so excited to get back to school, and now that it's tomorrow I'm absolutely dreading it! Don't get me wrong, I love school. But sleeping in till noon everyday is lovely!

So this post is going to be my bucket list for this year! I was thinking that every time I complete one of the items I would come on here and check it off my list and write a little story about the experience. In the comments below tell me what you have on your bucket list this year!

Travel Overseas 
I love to travel! It is my dream to live in a different country like Italy or France. The farthest I've ever been was Canada, a 3 hour drive from my current house. My dad travels for his job and he is always bringing back these amazing souvenirs for us from the many countries he traveled too. This year I hope to travel to Singapore, London, France, Mexico and I would love to do a mission trip somewhere!

Take a Trip with my Friends
This is one my dreams! Whether it's a road trip or flying somewhere exotic. All of my friends are older than me, 16-18. I am the baby of the group so everyone is really protective of me. Its amazing, but slightly annoying. Whenever they go do something adventurous I have to beg them to come. I know they just do it to protect me but I want to have fun too.

Go to Disney 
Something about me you probably don't know is I have an OBSESSION with Disney. Everything from movies to clothes I LOVE. I went to a Disney resort when I was maybe 7 or 8. It was the best time of my life!! I loved all the rides and the hotels are so beautiful! We stayed at the  hotel with a African savanna theme. You could walk out onto our balcony and be surround by exotic animals.

Travel to New York
Large cities have always fascinated me. I feel more at home around the bustling life of a city, which make no sense growing up in a small suburban household. New York is one of those places where it has so much culture and life contained in a small city. Every corner you turn you find something new.

Go to Prom✔️
Prom is something that I have dreamed about since I was a little girl! Since my school is so small, grades 9-12 get to go to prom. I have imagined dressing up in a beautiful dress and partying the night away with my friends for so long! Every time I go to the mall, which is a lot, I HAVE to look at prom dresses!

Added in May- I went to prom and it was as dream. I loved my dress, I loved everything about it. 10/10 would recommend you go to prom if you get the chance!

Dye my Hair ✔️
Now technically I have already done this. About a year ago, I died my pair pink for a good cause.
My mums best friend, who is like a second mother to me, was diagnosed with breast cancer about 3 years ago. She lost all her hair due to chemotherapy. Before all he hair fell out she wanted to dye it bright pink. She had a plan and everything, but within a few days it was all gone. She knew it was bound to happen. This was around the time where everything in my life changed. I knew I wanted to change too. I told her I would dye my hair if she promised me she would get a operation she was very nervous about. We made a deal and a week later I dyed my hair pink (the first photo) after a few months it faded into a beautiful coral-pink. Even though I have already had pink hair, I would love to do something else with it!

Added in March- Well turns out my goal came true! Sort of. A few weeks ago I went in to get my hair dyed blonde on the ends. When they finished the process it was orange! I have naturally red hair so I suspected that it was going to happen. Flash forward to last week. I went in to get a contrast done (A contrast is where they take the complimentary color and put that all over your hair to eliminate the red in my case) Well the hair dresser must have left the color on for too long. I now have silver-blue hair! If I'm being honest I kinda like it!! But it was defiantly a shock to go in just to get blonde and come out with blue hair though!

Go to a Professional Soccer Game!
Recently my dad came home and told my brother and I that he got tickets to the soccer game at Manchester United! My dad, brother and I are big soccer fans! So it was a big deal and it would also give me the chance to travel to Europe!

Thats all I have for now. Who knows maybe I'll add some more to this list down the line. Comment below what your goals are for the new year!

Sarah xx


  1. I love the pink hair and going to New York would be amazing!! I used to live in London and I go there at the weekends, I think I might take my boyfriend there for his birthday :)


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