Cotton Candy Grapes and Life Updates
Hi lovelies!
It feels like its been forever since I did a blog post! Anyhoo, a lot has happened in the last month or so that I must update you all on! But first I have to tell you guys about these amazing grapes. They are literally called cotton candy grapes and taste just like cotton candy. They're normal grapes but taste exactly like cotton candy. *mindblow* sorry for the random side track but I had to share that with you guys
Umm where to start?! OK well I went to Prom!! I didn't think I would be able to go, with my seizures and all but my parents made a deal with the school that allowed me to attend my prom. I was so happy and am extremely grateful I got to go. Heres a few pictures..

(Sorry all the rest are with other people and I don't have there permission to post them)😝
Some other things that have happened.
I feel like thats enough to dump on you all. That's my life at the moment.
All the best
Sarah xxx
It feels like its been forever since I did a blog post! Anyhoo, a lot has happened in the last month or so that I must update you all on! But first I have to tell you guys about these amazing grapes. They are literally called cotton candy grapes and taste just like cotton candy. They're normal grapes but taste exactly like cotton candy. *mindblow* sorry for the random side track but I had to share that with you guys
Umm where to start?! OK well I went to Prom!! I didn't think I would be able to go, with my seizures and all but my parents made a deal with the school that allowed me to attend my prom. I was so happy and am extremely grateful I got to go. Heres a few pictures..
(Sorry all the rest are with other people and I don't have there permission to post them)😝
Some other things that have happened.
- I am back in school full-time <3 which I am extremely happy about
- I am almost 3 weeks free of seizures :))) Again, extremely extremely happy about
- K sold his house and is going to be leaving in July
- I found out that I might be moving?!
I feel like thats enough to dump on you all. That's my life at the moment.
All the best
Sarah xxx
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